Thursday, April 21, 2011


考试又来了 剩下四天 温习的时间
下星期接到在advertising公司 data entry的工作
薪水一天 是比promoter少一些
我的babe jenny说我没大志 为什么不找promoter工做
但 发觉自己越来越怕 promoter的工作 一直promote东西
在Office至少可以坐着 不用promote然后轻轻松松打字

今天上课 也是特别不开心
我问老师关于merchant wholesaler问题 他说我问题不够贴切
我就补充wholesaler的job function是什么?和broker什么different?
后来我发现 其他同学问的时候 也是直接抛出一个word来
但老师却答他们=_=我立刻纳闷去 觉得很不爽不爽
真的diu nia sing ma ci beh!!!!死gay佬!!

可能我时常skip class的关系吧 可能我时常上课都不看着他 看电脑

但让我学到一样现实事情 即使 你的功课做到再怎样好 怎样负责任
老师要的 就是 平时上课看到你一直问他问题

即使在社会也是将 即使你的工作表现再好
但 老板看不见 或平时没和老板聊天 你也只不过剩勤劳的价值


JâĐ said...

The one who teaching SPSS at level 9?
Also name Lee geh?

PR course seriously need to based on relationship.
My bf's sis tat batch, got only 1 student get 1st class, and he told me main reason because the relationship with lecturer are good.

+sheshou+ said...

Teaching SPSS is good lecture.
Surname “LIEW”

I dun like teach me Business Admin lecture who is name BILL...his treat guy more good..wat the gay!!

some lecture is good like Ajinder and LIEW.Only tat sei gay lou!btw...relationship is oso important as u said.><

JâĐ said...

Liew hou mer?
He failed my friend.
so wtf.
Our psychology study geh qualitative methods much more deeper than you all mass comm geh, my friend doing psychology geh qualitative methods meanwhile taking the mass comm similar subject in same sem, he fail my friend! walau >.<
my friend cried jor whole sem, go appeal still get F. F mean coursework also fail, but it's impossible, she passed up everything, thing is she seldom attend class. i wonder izzt bcoz of this reason, the liew beh song den fail her.